Thursday, May 31, 2007

As Per Your Request

This is a photo of my brother Chris. After reading yesterday's post, he left a comment that which said I should put more pictures of him on my blog. I'll do a montage of him soon, but I thought this was a good one to start with.

Chris and his wife Rhonda are expecting. (Despite this picture, Rhonda is actually the one who is expecting.) Their little bundle of joy is due September 25th. And, they think it's a girl! Congrats! Can't wait to meet her!

More pictures of Chris and his wife will follow!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Make New Friends...Keep the Old

Jecilyn, Treavor and I had a playdate today. We went to visit my friend Cora Lee and her son, Michael. Michael is just a few weeks younger than Jecilyn. We were joined by another friend, Bobbi. Cora, Bobbi and I graduated from Dover High School together. Here is a photo of Cora and Bobbi circa 1988.

It's amazing to me that we grew up together...and now our children are playing together. It nearly brings me to tears. Although, to be fair, I'm not sure if it's the sentiment of it all...or, just simply that the fact that our children are playing together solidifies the sad fact that we are...OLD. Anyway, the kids had a great time. And it was nice to spend some time with OLD (Hee Hee!) friends. Here's a picture of Cora and Bobbi today!

Update: Cora has informed me that the picture above that I thought was circa 1988 was actually 1995. Heck, what do I know? The following picture is POSITIVELY from 1989. June 10, 1989 to be exact! From left to right, Carissa, Cora Lee, Me, Bobbi, Shannan and Sonja.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

School Days

Jecilyn attends St. John's Early Learning Center. Her last day of "school" is Thursday. Today, they had a family picnic to celebrate the end of the school year. Here are some photos.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Something for your Memorial Day.

Wow! This video was done by a 15 year old girl. Apparently it's been all over the news today. Of course, it is not on NOGGIN. A friend sent it to me, and I of course burst into tears. I'm posting it here. It's one that deserves as much exposure as possible. Remember to thank a soldier!

Happy Birthday Sophia!

On Sunday we went to a birthday party for Treavor and Jecilyn's friend Sophia...and this time I was armed with my camera! I did this really cool slide show, and Jeffrey helped me figure out how to post it! Hope you enjoy it! Thanks Jeffrey!


Sophia's Birthday Party

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Forgot the Camera Again

Today we went to a birthday party for Jecilyn's friend Bianca. I was armed with my camera, however it had a dead battery....I'll get better at this, I promise! Hopefully somoone will send me some pictures and I'll post them later.

I love the beautiful pictures that both Natalie and Jeffrey post on their blogs. Today, I tried my own hand and some gardening photos. Both the roses and the iris are in my front yard. They look so amazing when they bloom. I cut over a dozen roses off one of my bushes today. I tried to arrange them in some vases....but I'm not very good at it. The vases don't do them justice.

My lilies will be blooming soon. I'll post pictures of those too.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Trip to the library....

I took the children to the Dover Public Library for Toddler Time. It's such a great time! Miss Jackie does a great job of entertaining the kids. They start off with a song. Miss Jackie plays the guitar and sings. She always has a theme. She combs the card catalog for a plethora of books which pertain to that theme and displays them. She always chooses a few to read to the kids. The best part is the activity at the end that ties it all together. A few weeks ago, there was a whole baseball theme. There were two baseball players from a local high school that came and spoke about their equipment. Then, they gave out cracker jacks! How fun!

Today she did a "lesson" if you will on ducks. The kids sang songs about ducks, and read a few books. During all of this singing and reading, there was a little pool in the middle of the room. It was filled with water and a few big rocks. The children sat surrounding the pool--but did not touch it. Amazingly, even my own DID NOT touch it. After the stories were over, Miss Jackie opened a box to reveal eight tiny little ducklings. It was so cute to watch them splash around in the pool while the children laughed and giggled around them. I'm new to this whole blog thing...Jeffrey and Natalie would have had their cameras ready, but alas, I did not.....Oh well, maybe next time....For now, this borrowed one will have to do.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Fun Food Friday!

I thought it would be fun to share some of the crazy creations that I make for my daughter. I am pretty anal about the stuff that I let her have. She doesn't get much junk food at all. We eat a lot of organic food and we try to avoid anything with "high fructcose corn syrup" and "partially hydrogenated oils". I try to entice her to eat the stuff that I make by making it fun and interesting. I've spent a good bit of time searching for ideas online, but I've not had much luck. So, I'll share my ideas in hopes of helping other moms. I welcome any suggestions! I'll try to make this a weekly feature....assuming that I have the time and the energy! Enjoy!I called this one "Flying Fish!" It started with a whole Kosher Dill Pickle. The eyes are black olives stuffed with cream cheese and secured with a toothpick. The nose and the "humps" on the back are grape tomatoes that have been halved and secured with cream cheese. I wrapped it in a piece of bologna and secured it with a toothpick and olives on the end. I'm not sure why I called it a flying fish. But, Jecilyn enjoyed it! She thought it was pretty funny! Hope it made you smile too!

Off He Goes Into the Wild Blue Yonder

Jeff left for Al Udeid Air Base in Quatar today. Although we live in Dover, Delaware, Jeff is stationed at McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey. McGuire is adjacent to Fort Dix. Fort Dix has been in the headlines quite frequently since the FBI thwarted a terrorist attack on the base. That was pretty scary. Thankfully, the FBI was on top of things!

Jeff's flight is leaving in about an hour from the Naval Base in Norfolk. His flight will be about 15 hours. He needed to be there six hours prior to his scheduled departure. Most of the people travelling with him left on a bus from McGuire very early this morning. Jeff and his boss--who also lives in Dover, did not want to make a two hour drive North to turn around an get on a bus for a six hour drive. Gee, I cannot imagine why!?!? So, they rented a car and drove there together. They are joined by another troop that lives in Southern New Jersey. Here are some photos of their departure.

jecilynandtreavorsmom's Daddy Leaves for the Desert photosetjecilynandtreavorsmom's Daddy Leaves for the Desert photoset

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Totally New to This!!!!

Hi! Wow...This is kinda scary. It's my first entry in my first blog. I guess I'm somewhat of a blog virgin....Yikes. I have no idea what I'm doing...I'm pretty computer illiterate...But we'll see what happens.

Although I've never done a blog, I happen to have a few that I read. Yeah, ok, so I have only two that I read. But, hey, it's not the's the quality, right? And, both are certainly high quality. The first is I've been reading this one for a while. Jeffrey never fails to make me laugh! The second is This one is fairly new. My friend Natalie--Jeffrey's wife--has recently decided to try her hand at blogging. Her photos are amazing.... Check out their blogs. Or, maybe you shouldn't. Mine is sure to pale in comparison. Those are some big shoes to fill...and those of you who know me know that I have freakishly small feet.

Anyway....My husband Jeff is in the United States Air Force and he is deploying tomorrow. I am starting this blog in hopes that it will keep us a little more connected while he is gone. Expect to see lots of photos of my darling children. On occasion, I may rant and rave about how wonderful they are or how NOT so wonderful they've been....or how stressed out I am....I hope that Jeffrey will teach me how to upload videos....and that I can post those as well. Check back and see how I do!