Hi! Wow...This is kinda scary. It's my first entry in my first blog. I guess I'm somewhat of a blog virgin....Yikes. I have no idea what I'm doing...I'm pretty computer illiterate...But we'll see what happens.
Although I've never done a blog, I happen to have a few that I read. Yeah, ok, so I have only two that I read. But, hey, it's not the quantity...it's the quality, right? And, both are certainly high quality. The first is jeffreywashere.blogspot.com. I've been reading this one for a while. Jeffrey never fails to make me laugh! The second is bowwowmeowgentry.blogspot.com. This one is fairly new. My friend Natalie--Jeffrey's wife--has recently decided to try her hand at blogging. Her photos are amazing.... Check out their blogs. Or, maybe you shouldn't. Mine is sure to pale in comparison. Those are some big shoes to fill...and those of you who know me know that I have freakishly small feet.
Anyway....My husband Jeff is in the United States Air Force and he is deploying tomorrow. I am starting this blog in hopes that it will keep us a little more connected while he is gone. Expect to see lots of photos of my darling children. On occasion, I may rant and rave about how wonderful they are or how NOT so wonderful they've been....or how stressed out I am....I hope that Jeffrey will teach me how to upload videos....and that I can post those as well. Check back and see how I do!
Hey... good for you. I'll link to you soon. And I passed word to our Delaware Moms editor. She may contact you. Keep it up.
I've been working on a cheat sheet of tricks and sites that help to give to Natalie -- but she's doing damn good on her own -- I'll send it to you when I finish it.
Hi Traci ... Any friend of Jeffrey's is a friend of ours. We work with him here at The News Journal and just started a new social networking Web site for moms called DelawareMoms.com.
If you get a minute check it out. It's an excellent place to vent, ask questions, commiserate with other moms. I don't know if we'll have links to blogs -- we're in the soft launch phase -- but we'll keep yours in mind and try to pass the word.
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