I do not really have any words...it has been a year since "the angels came and got Nanny so she could live in the stars." That's what I told Jecilyn. She talks to my mom whenever she sees stars in the sky. And, every so often she asks if Nanny can come to see her. She tells me that if we send her a Hot Air Balloon, then she can just come here. I don't know where she gets this stuff. I guess she believes that Nanny is Somewhere Over the Rainbow...And, I suppose she is right....
Last year Jeffrey at Jeffrey Was Here posted a memorial for my mom on his other blog. I'm working on embedding it into this site...but, for now, you'll have to follow a link. The music link isn't working on his site...so to hear music with the slideshow, click below.
Then, click here
I could look at that slide show over and over again...Your mom was such a wonderful person. I know she looks down on you, Jeff, Jecilyn and Treavor everyday and just smiles...and laughs...I can hear her laughing now.
Thanks Bug!
Your mom was beautiful!!
that is so beautiful! you look just like her.
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