Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wheat Free Wednesday

Wow! How'd it get to be Wednesday already? And why am I not prepared with a recipe? Oh, yeah, because I am never prepared for anything...I could share the pretty yummy recipe that my cousin Josie sent me...but, since I've not tried it yet...I'll hold off on that one. This one will be a simple one...something I whipped up yesterday. I made some Pasta Salad in about 8 minutes while I was trying to get dressed and out the door for work. I just stood and looked in my pantry and made it up as I went along...I hear it was well received by Treavor. However, Treavor is the antithesis of Mikey. He'll eat anything.

Anyway, I used Mrs. Leeper's Organic Just for Kids Rice Pasta. The pasta is in adorable animal shapes! I cooked the pasta a few minutes less than the package directed and immediately rinsed in cool water. Then, I added black olives, garbanza beans, peas and broccoli and tossed in some italian dressing (Mewman's Own Lite Italian Dressing). That's it! Simple, fast, fresh and Allergy Free!!!!

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