When I came home...I found Jecilyn sitting in the rocking chair with Liam eating an Ice Pop. Liam told me that he thought she got some bug spray and sprayed into her mouth because she was crying that her lips were burning. She finished her ice pop, and began to cry that her mouth was still burning. I washed her face but she kept whining that it hurt. Then, she told me that she's gone over to Mom Mom Maggie's garden and picked something and her mouth was hurting. When she said that, Liam said that she had told him between her tears something about a hot carrot.
Jecilyn took me next door and showed me what she had eaten. She picked "carrot" out of Mom Mom Maggie's Garden. Problem is, Mom Mom Maggie doesn't have baby carrots in her garden. What she does have is Tabasco Peppers. My little Angel, who could exist soley on "baby carrots with dip dip" mistook the orange peppers on the bush for baby carrots. She said she picked two. A red one and an orange one. She ate the red one. She said it was good. She licked the orange one...and said it was HOT! Crazy girl!
And, these peppers are HOT! Liam tried one earlier in the summer and had to drink nearly a gallon of milk before he could speak. To see where the tabasco peppers rank in "Hotness," click here. Then, click on the part about the Scoville Scale.
And, here's a picture of what they look like.

She's fine now! And, she knows NOT to pick things out of the garden by herself!!!!
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