THe First Weekend in May is Old Dover Days in Dover, Delaware. This year the festival celebrated its 75th year. It's a festival which celebrates Colonial Times. Maypoles are erected on "The Green" (Center of Town), and several school children do maypole dances. When I was about three, I danced with my preschool! Lots of people dress in period costumes...and it's just a fun fun day. Last year Jecilyn's school (St. John's Early Learning Center)was in the parade. They participated again this year. I helped with the float and the costumes for the boys. It was fun. Jecilyn and I needed dresses. Of course, I don't sew. So, I called my mother's best friend and asked her to help. Aunt Cathy did a super job on our dresses. I took a lot of pictures and am working on a slideshow...but I wanted to get these up ASAP so Aunt Cath could see them! THANKS! (And thanks to Mom Mom Ginny for putting the finishing touches on them!)

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