This Terrific Turtle is one of my favorites! The picture isn't so great...but it was really cute. Here's what I did. I used an Organic Fugi Apple. I peeled, cored and sliced it using The Pampered Chef Apple Peeler/Corer/Slicer. Then, I cut it in half. I spread peanut butter between the slices. And, being the crazy food person that I am...I used all Natural Peanut Butter. Some brands that I like are Crazy Richard's, Smucker's All Natural Chunky Peanut Butter, and Safeway's O Organics Peanut Butter. I stir honey right into the jar. It makes it a little sweeter, and it help to keep it from separating...But I digress...
I used a strawberry for the head. You can't really see it in the picture, but I sliced the strawberry lengthwise so it opened like a mouth. I stuffed some sliced cheese in the open mouth.
The feet are banana slices. For the tail, I used the end of the banana. And, for the...uh...droppings...I used raisins. I think the eyes were chocolate chips stuck on with a dot of "Fluff."...Chocolate and fluff are not things I use often...but I figure a little here and there is OK. If memory serves me correctly, however, I don't think Jecilyn liked the Fluff. Chocolate...that's another story. I think the kid would eat just chocolate and spaghetti if I let her!
I made something similar to this before. I called it a dinosaur. On that version, I made legs out of grapes on toothpicks. And, I think I stood half of a banana up for the tail. Anything will work...Just be creative!!! If you try this...or have any of your own creations, let me know! I'm always looking for more ideas! Have a great day!
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